2022 National Events Announcement
Lacrosse Australia is pleased to announce the hosts, locations and date windows for our 2022 National Events. The impacts of the global pandemic as meant that the majority of our National Events had to be cancelled in 2020 and 2021. However with more positive signs regarding easing of restrictions we have been preparing for our 2022 calendar. We thank all hosts for their engagement, confirming their involvement and we look forward to working with them and their volunteers to deliver our National Events in 2022.
Moving forward, to assist with the planning perspective of travelling teams, allow hosts ample time to seek out and apply for grants to support events, and, to provide plenty of time and notice for families & players to plan for National events, we are aiming to have hosts appointed 12 months out from National Events. With this said we are still working with potential hosts for our 2022 U15 National Tournament and we hope to provide more details in the coming weeks.