Announcement - 2022 Australian Women’s Teams

We are excited to announce the Australian Women’s Teams that will be competing at the 2022 World Lacrosse (WL) World Championship and the 2022 International World Games Association (IWGA) The World Games. Congratulations to all athletes and best of luck in the ongoing preparations and at the respective events.

WL Women’s World Championship - Australian Women’s Team

Event Details: Towson MD USA. Wed 29 Jun – Sat 9 Jul 2022

Team List:

Madison Copeland

Adden Cunningham

Laura Evans

Kahli Evans

Ashtyn Hiron

Stephanie Kelly

Rachel Kirchheimer

Theadora Kwas

Rebecca Lane

Georgia Latch

Stephanie McNamara

Stacey Morlang

Hannah Nielsen

Sarah Smith

Hayley Sofarnos

Abby Thorne

Beth Varga

Bonnie Yu

Sarah Mollison - Alternate

Olivia Parker - Alternate

IWGA The World Games - Australian Women’s Team

Event Details: Birmingham AL USA. Tues 12 – Sat 16 Jul 2022

Team List:

Tegan Brown

Adden Cunningham

Cassidy Doster

Ashtyn Hiron

Theadora Kwas

Rebecca Lane

Georgia Latch

Sarah Mollison

Sarah Smith

Abby Thorne

Bonnie Wells

Bonnie Yu

Ocea Leavy - Alternate

Indy Williams - Alternate


Announcement - 2022 U23 Australian Women’s Tour Team


Compeat Nutrition and Lacrosse Australia Partnership