2023 National Events Announcement
Lacrosse Australia is pleased to announce the hosts, locations and date windows for the 2023 National Events. We thank all hosts for their engagement, confirming their involvement and we look forward to working with them and their volunteers to deliver our National Events in 2023.
Box: Thurs 9 - Sun 12 February 2023 - VIC - Altona LC – Alan Lewer Box Court
U18: Tues 18 - Sat 22 April 2023 (not Easter) - WA - (exact location TBC)
Senior: Wed 7 - Sun 11 June 2023 - SA – Sturt LC - Women’s Memorial Playing fields
U15: Wed 27 Sept - Tues 3 Oct 2023 – TBC VIC (EOI process currently underway)
Alan Lewer Box Court - location for 2023 Box Nationals
The 2023 Box Championship will be held at Altona LC in the Alan Lewer Box Court. The Alan Lewer Box Court was officially opened on the 9th of July 2021 and is the only sole Box Lacrosse Court in the southern hemisphere. We are thrilled and privilege to be able to hold our event at Altona LC and also celebrate the enormous dedication, commitment, hard work and success of Altona LC and their committee and volunteers.
The 2023 U18 Event will be held in WA with LWA allocated as Host. Exact details of location for the event is still a work in progress and LA will release further details shortly. Please note that the U18 dates are for eth common weekend of the school holidays and not across Easter.
Women’s Memorial Playing fields - location for 2023 Senior Nationals
The 2023 Senior Nationals will be held at Sturt LC which has also had an update to their fields and facilities in recent times. The Women’s Memorial Playing fields has undergone a $9 million development which included improved playing surfaces, new change rooms/shared clubrooms and new sports field lighting. It will be exciting to utilise and celebrate these new facilities with our Senior National event in 2023.
Finally, LA has opened the Expression of Interest proccess for the 2023 U15 National Event. This is scheduled to be closed in August with final details to be provided in September 2022. Please note that each states’ school holidays periods in 2023 do not cross or align very well and therefore there will be a small impact on some school commitments over this event.
Lacrosse Australia would like to take this opportunity to share further update regarding the 2022 the Men’s Box National Championship. Due to feedback from Member Associations and some player representatives, Lacrosse Australia has decided to cancel the 2022 Men’s Box National Championship. The event had been postponed from February 2022 to November 2022 however due to costs and short turn around between the 2022 Nov and a 2023 Feb events it was determined the best scenario was to cancel the 2022 event and plan and prepare for the 2023 Event.
Moving forward, to assist with the planning perspective of travelling teams, allow hosts ample time to seek out and apply for grants to support events, and, to provide plenty of time and notice for families & players to plan for National events, we are aiming to have hosts appointed 12 months out from National Events